About the Web Security Manager API

The Alert Logic (Undefined variable: ALVariables.WSM_OutBndWaf_2) (WSM) REST API provides query and configuration functionality for Web Security Manager appliances.


Method Resource Description
POST /api/v1/appliance Provisions a WSM, and optionally can add a new API user.
POST /api/v1/appliance Sets configuration for proxy settings synchronization.
GET /api/v1/appliance Obtains synchronization configuration.


Method Resource Description
POST /api/v1/website Adds a website for WSM to monitor/protect.
GET /api/v1/website Obtains list of available website IDs.
GET /api/v1/website/[website_id] Obtains configuration details for a given website.
GET /api/v1/website/[website_id]/denylog Returns denylog entries for a given website.
GET /api/v1/website/[website_id]/test Tests connectivity to a website by issuing a HEAD request.
PUT /api/v1/website/[website_id] Changes the proxy mode of a website.
PUT /api/v1/website/[website_id] Updates the SSL certificate for a website.
PUT /api/v1/website/[website_id] Imports a proxy template for a website.
DELETE /api/v1/website/[website_id] Deletes a website.


Method Resource Description
GET /api/v1/interface/physical Obtains list of physical network interfaces.
GET /api/v1/interface/virtual Obtains list of VRRP interfaces.
POST /api/v1/interface Adds a VRRP interface.
DELETE /api/v1/interface/virtual/[id]
Deletes a VRRP interface.